Urto aplenty at the feast day of Ayios Haralambos
On Sunday 10th February, 2013, the Church of Saint Haralambos, 4 Fleet Close, Tuggerah 2259, Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia celbrated the feast day of Ayios Haralambos.
The Church is in the process of being built, so the service was conducted under a very large tent-like structure which the Saint Haralambos Church Committee had constructed.
A number of buses from various parishes in Sydney ensured that the attendence at the ceremony was well in excess of 500 people.
This very dynamic Committee has achieved wonders over the past few years.
It is projected that the Church of Saint Haralambos will be completed by the end of this year (2013).
Fleet Close is off Reliance Drive, in the Tuggerah Business Park.
Saint Haralambos Church Map
Download .pdf Map, here:
Saint Haralambos Map.pdf
Postal Address:
PO Box 137
The Entrance 2261
Life of Saint Haralambos
Saint Haralambos Church, Tuggerah, MAIN PAGE at kythera-family
President, Tas Fermanis
Email Tas Fermanis, here
Email Gloria Fermanis, here
Email Lucky Anagnostou, here
View a video of the foundation stone ceremony here:
(Created by Angelique (Taylor) Papadelias of Little Screen Big Screen Pty Ltd.)
Email Angelique (Taylor) Papadelias , here
Download the Saint Haralambos programme for the 2012 year, here:
Download the Monthly Newsletters from the Saint Haralambos Church Newsletters page.