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John Tzannes

Kytherian 4WD & Recreation Club - Sydney Australia

Some 8 years ago a few adventurous Australian born Kytherian expanded the boundaries of the Kytherian Brotherhood of Australia and formed a family based club. The club has been extremely successfull and has organised some amazing recreational activities including trips to Central Australia and Fraser Island.
This is a photo of the 2003 Committee (standing left to right) Peter Tzannes (founding member), David Mallanos, John Tzannes (founding member), Peter Economy, Arthur Conomos, Nick Satouris. (seated left to right) Gina Ambele, Angelo Andrew (founding member), John Faros (founding member), Tinal Economy, Tony Jaroma.
Take note of the logo, a map of Kythera being traversed by a 4WD vehicle.

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