Chippy's grant awarded to Sydney medical team.
Dr Brett Garner and Maureen Frilingos.
Chippy’s grant awarded to Sydney team
The inaugural Peter Frilingos Heart Foundation Research Grant was awarded to Sydney doctor Brett Garner yesterday.
The Daily Telegraph, 2GB and the National Rugby League helped raise more than $70,000 for the Heart Foundation in memory of chief rugby league writer Peter “Chippy” Frillngos, who died of a heart attack at his desk in May last year.
Dr Garner and his researchers from the University of NSW will use the grant to develop drugs that promote cholesterol removal from the arteries.
Mr Frilingos’ widow, Maureen, selected the research project winner.
Daily Telegraph editor David Penberthy said yesterday, it was an honour to help fight heart disease in Chippys memory.
“He was a mentor to a generation of sports writers, a wit with words and a friend to everyone here,” he said.
“Every year over 50,000 AustralIans die after a heart attack. Chippy was one of those and he was the one we all knew, so it makes us proud that we do something in his name that will make a difference to heart disease in the future.
“If there was anything Chippy didn’t like, it was people making a fuss of him. He will be looking at us now, saying:
"Turn It up! Stop gibberlng and get on with it."
Daily Telegraph, Sydney. Wednesday, July 27, 2005. p.18.