The Hon. James Miltiadis Samios, M.B.E., B.A., LL.B., M.L.C.
Farewell Dinner. The end of a distiguished Parliamentary life.
Back row (l to r)
Josie Lacey(Jewish Community leader)
Heather Ruddock
Scott Morison (Former State Director of the Liberal Party)
The Hon George Souris MP
Chris McDiven (State President of the Liberal Party)
Lucy Brogden
[To be advised]
Front Row (l to r)
The Hon Philip Ruddock
Rosemary Samios
The Hon James Samios
John Brogden
James, known as Jim was:
Former Member of the Legislative Council
(The Upper House of the New South Wales Parliament).
Held positions of:
Shadow Minister for Public Works and Services,
Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader on Ethnic Affairs
Born in Brisbane, Queensland.
Married. 1 son.
Qualifications, Occupations, Interests:
B.A., LL.B. University of Queensland. Interests include visual and performing arts and tennis.
Parliamentary Service
MLC since 1984. Term expired 52nd Parliament (28 February 2003).
Deputy Leader of Liberal Party in Legislative Council: 1995 to 2003.
Special Adviser to the Opposition Leader on Ethnic Affairs and the Arts: 1999 to 2003;
Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Assisting Shadow Minister for the Arts: 1995 - 99.
Parliamentary Secretary: 1988-95.
Trustee of the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund: 1991 to 2003.
Committee Membership
Advisory Committee: Privacy Advisory Committee: 1999 to 2003.
Standing Committees: Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege: 1990 -1995. General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3 1999 - 2003.
Select Committees: Select Committee on the Privacy and Data Protection Bill: 1994. Select Committee on Hospital Waiting Lists: 1995 - 96. Select Committee on the Financial Institutions (New South Wales) Bill and cognate (Chairman): 1992. Select Committee on the Conservatorium of Music 1997.
Joint Select Committees: Joint Select Committee on Fixed Term Parliaments (Vice-Chairman): 1991-1992.
Party Activity
Member LP Woollahra Branch
Community Activity
Director St Basil's Homes.
Founding Director of Museum of Contemporary Art.
National Service: 1953 - 54 (RAAF) and P/Officer in General Reserve: 1963.