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Monastery Myrtidion.

The monastery Myrtidion is situated near the village of Kalokerines, 12 km west of the island's capital. It is built among the myrtles, near the beach, overlooking the sea.

According to tradition, the miraculous icon of Virgin Mary was found here by a shepherd, guided by a vision, in the 14th century. Although the shepherd took the icon to his home, the next day, the icon had disappeared only to be found again in the same place, a fact which was interpreted as Virgin Mary's wish for her icon to remain there. Originally, in this location, the people of the island built a small church which monk Leondios later extended by adding two new wings -the wings of St Theodoros and Zoodochos Pigi.

The monastery, in its currently form, was founded in 19th century (1841-1857) by the Abbot Agathagelos Kalligeras. The church is small, built in the style of a three-nave basilica and it is quite similar to the church of Evagelistria, on the island of Tinos.

In the church, one will admire the icons from the 17th and 18th century. The most valuable icon is the one of Virgin Mary, which has a gold carved exterior which, in 1837, replaced the previously silver one. Tradition says that the icon was constructed by the Evangelist Lucas whose model was Virgin Mary herself, and this is why the characteristics of the face are so vivid.

Outside the church one will be impressed by the tall stone bell-toll, which was finished by Nikolaos Fatseas in 1888, as well as by the carefully preserved gardens.

The church is crowded during the summer festival of August 15, as well as on September 24, when the icon was found.


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