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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Discover Your Roots Day Aug. 12, 2006

Take 38 Diaspora Kytherians, lock them in the Kythera Town Hall for 6 hours and what do you get? An enormous amount of knowledge-exchange. This year’s “Discover Your Roots” meeting on August 12. saw a great mixture of people from 3 continents learn more about the island in a few hours than most of us do in a month on the island. As usual, the participants themselves, in recounting their family histories and their experiences on the island, provided a colourful start to the proceedings. A special highlight this year was a tour of the Castro Archives and the Church of St. Theodore by high-school-teacher, folk-singer and heritage professional Eleni Harou, who sacrificed her midday break to give us a fascinating insight into the history of the island and the archives. She also helped many of the group de-cypher Venetian census data. We intend to repeat the event next year so make sure you’re on the island in mid-August 2007!
James Prineas

See also:

Discover Your Roots 2006

To see slideshows of other photos taken in August 2006 click on these links:

Chora - Discover Your Roots, August 12, 2006

Potamos Farmer’s Market, August 13, 2006

Movie clips of the Mitata Wine Festival, August 12, 2006

Agia Elessa, August 2006

Paliochora, August 2006

Milopotamos, August 2006

Mirtdiotissa, August 14-15, 2006

Movie clips and photos of the Panegyri in Potamos, August 15, 2006

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