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Kythera Library Future Fund

High School Students with Professors Study project. Kythera Library Kondelianika

The Library has developed numerous works and theses in the last two years. Last month, however, we lived the experience of a student group working the second grade of our High School, under the supervision of professors George Lourantou (Pierrou), Mary Giamalakis and Eri (Freedom) Tzavara. The issue of labor was "History of education in Kythira and history of Kythira Gymnasium".

What made an impression on us - is collaborative ethos, participatory leadership, mutual respect and fair sharing of toil, three Saturdays in morning school hours, with research sites and careful consultation of the Kytherian literature, interviews - testimonies, sources and scanning photographing monuments.

As long as there are teachers who encourage children to investigate, to stand by and allow themselves to learn from them, nothing is lost ...

John Stathatos

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