Video Conference - California & Sydney Kytherian Societies
The Kytherians of California and the West celebrated their annual luncheon on Oct. 15, 2006 at Dino's Restaurant in Castro Valley, California. The highlight of the day was a "live" videoconference between the California Kytherians and members of the Kytherian Association of Australia in Sydney.
For the videoconference we used two Apple MacBook computers and iChat software.
In California, we projected the image from the laptop, via a LCD projector, to a large screen so that the 70 people in the audience would be able to see. The PA system was connected to the laptop so the audio would come through a large speaker for all to hear.
In Sydney, several members met at the home of George Poulos. Victor Kepriotes offered a welcome, followed by greetings from Professor Minas Coroneo, (his wife Eleni Coroneo (nee, Souris), was also present), John Comino, George Hlihlis Poulos, Kathy Samios, (nee, Protopsaltis), Spiro Coolentianos, Andrew Coroneo (wife Nikki Coroneo (nee, Thalassinos) was also present), Matina Samios, (nee, Protopsaltis); (husband Manuel Samios was also present), and Theo Kapitanios Poulos.
Two of the California members, Ellie (Proto)Psaltis Condos and her sister Eugenia (Proto)Psaltis Nobis were quite surprised to see their cousin Matina Samios from Sydney, on the projection screen!
In the photo above, you can see the two sisters looking at Matina on the big screen. On the laptop in front, you can see Matina Samios.
Others in the audience took turns coming to the microphone and exchanging greetings. The Sydney group wished California Kytherian Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos, birthday greetings as we celebrated her 100th birthday. It was a touching moment when she saw her first cousin (once removed), Spiro Coolentianos from Sydney, for the first time.
Both groups look forward to future videoconference sessions.
See also:
Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos with daughters Teddi & Genie 2006
Elaine Moulos & Vikki Fraioli at annual Kytherian Luncheon
Terry Chlentzos & Georgia Pine at 57th Annual Kytherian Luncheon
George Condas receives special recognition
Dr. Tikey Zes receives Honorary Kytherian award
Stamtoula Chlentzos celebrates her 100th birthday