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George Sophios

Ionian Parliament Building. Corfu.

Corfu (Kerkyra)was the adminstrative centre for the Ionian State, and hence for Kythera from 1800 until 1864.
From 1855 this building housed the Ionian Parliament.

A photograph of representatives of the Ionian Parliament in 1863, and the Flags and Great Seal of that Parliament, as well as Ionian State stamps and coins, can be scourced at kythera-family by searching Ionian on the internal search engine.

"At the end of Moustoxydi Street stands the historic Ionian Parliament building in neoclassical style.

It was constucted in 1855 by the Corfiot architect John Chronis and used by the Legislative Assembly, which previously sat in the Palace of St. Michael and St. George. It has historical significance, as this is where the last Ionian Parliament, on the September of 1863, voted the union of the Ionian Islands with Greece.

Until 1940 it was an Anglican church. During the World War II it was badly bombed and was completely restored in 1962. It now houses the museum of the Fighters for Heptanesian Indepedence, a memorial to those who struggled for the liberation of the Ionian islands. The other half of the building houses the Anglican church of Holy Trinity and the chaplain's flat".

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