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Vi Malos

Paul Malos and Stamatia Megaloconomo in Australia

Paul Malos was barely 17 when he arrived with his father, Ioannis Moulos, to stay in his new country. Ioannis returned to Kithera shortly after, leaving Paul to work and eventually bring the Moulos family to Australia. Unfortunately the war years disrupted this plan.

Stamatia Antonio Megaloconomo reluctantly left her parents and place of birth, Kyrhera, for a tedious six month's ordeal by cargo ship, first stepping on Australian soil in Broome and on to Sydney in 1920.

They met and married in 1926, produced two children, John and Vasliliki (Violet/Vi).

The constant need to work in the difficult depression years found the family in Mackay, Queensland. My first impression of Mackay as a four year old was being lowered in a basket into a small boat as there was no harbour in 1936. Mackay proved to be a fortunate move.

Hard working, the Greek community in Mackay were supportive of each other and organized many a happy social occasion.

The children of Greek parents were enthusiastic about education. Professor Manuel Aroney and Dr. Con Malanos were classmates of mine. Many games of monopoly, rounders and stamp collecting with them come to mind.

John excelled at his schooling and hobbies. He built many model aeroplane which had an interested group of followers. The war years, WWII, furthered his interest in planes. Unfortunately those years caused a shortage of teachers at Mackay High, and our parents were advised that John be sent to Toowoomba Grammar. John was missed at home.

With the unexpected death of our father, my mother and I moved to Woy Woy to live. John completed an Engineering Degree of Queensland having won a scholarship. See High Achievers for further information. The article written by Manual Aroney is deeply appreciated.

This is a brief chapter of our family history. Fondly thinking of my parents who made the big step.

Vi Malos.

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