Erecting the primary monopatia (walking trail) sign in Avlemonas
Monday July 23, 2012.
Supervised by Fivos Tsaravopoulos.
Present to witness the erection of the sign was the Secretary and Assitant Secretary of the Kytherian Association of Australia, George C Poulos, and Kalie Zervos. The Kytherian Association of Australia - along with the Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust, have contributed considerable funds to realise the walking trails project.
Also present was Mr Vardas, (far left), President of the Kytherian Association in Alimos, Athens - and recently appointed Trustee to the Tryffillion Trust, Athens / Kythera. His home on Kythera lies opposite the monopatia sign - and he involves himself strongly in the affairs of Avlemonas.
Those who know this beautiful beachside town well will realise the Avlemonas community has banded together to create a small walking trail themselves - around the bizina tis Aphrodite's. (This is the first year in which you can walk easily around the bizina - to the next bay and towards the limani).