Helen Tzortzopoulos (nee, Diaocopoulos), (right), &
Excursion to Corinth, with the Freinds of the Archaeological Institute at Athens.
Helen is the current President of the "Freinds" in Athens.
The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens was founded in 1981 to provide an independent Australian representation in the Greek archaeological field and to promote in Australia ancient, mediaeval and modern Greek studies.
A special function of the Institute is to provide facilities for Australian scholars and students who need to spend time working in Greece. Since its foundation, the Institute has established a residence in Athens for visiting scholars and students and a permanent office, and is developing a library. The office provides an intrastructure in Athens to support the Institute's important excavations at Torone, for which it is jointly responsible with the Athens Archaeological Society.
In addition, the Institute sponsors distinguished visiting professors to Australia, provides Fellowships and Scholarships to Australian students of archaeology and organises summer-schools in Greece.