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Modern Portraits

Photos > Modern Portraits > Nick Venardos, Barbara, Peter Souris - 4/10/1994

Photos > Modern Portraits

submitted by Barbara Zantiotis on 12.05.2015

Nick Venardos, Barbara, Peter Souris - 4/10/1994

Nick Venardos, Barbara, Peter Souris - 4/10/1994
Copyright (1994) Barbara Zantiotis

The man on the left is Nick Venardos. His mother Kyrani and my paternal grandfather, Peter were brother and sister.
The man on the right is Peter Souris, Nick's brother-in-law. Peter's wife Katina is Kyrani's daughter.
Peter Souris was a Pentanouso Souris from the village of Petrouni, Karavas.
This photo was taken at Pitsoudia.

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