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Barbara Zantiotis

Stephen Zantiotis & Yianni Venardos - August 1984

Stephen is my dad. Yianni (Katsavias) initially married Anastasia Zantiotis and had five children. After her untimely death due to childbirth complications, Yianni married Anastasia's sister, Dimitra. Anastasia and Dimitra were the sisters of my dad's father, Peter.

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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli
on 26.05.2015

Hi Barbara, I've really enjoyed ALL of these wonderful photos you have been posting lately, but this one especially caught my eye! My great grandmother was Efrocene Venardos Chlentzos, daughter of Manolis Venardos of Nicolaos (KATSAVIAS). We have a huge family tree of the Chlentzos family from Christoforianika, but have not made connections to any of the Venardos' because it is such a large/common name. Now I see your photo with Yianni (Katsavias) and wonder if there is a connection to our family. Follow this link to see the Census of 1844 You can see more about the Chlentzos family at Kythera Connections Feel free to email me, Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Barbara Zantiotis
on 26.05.2015

Hi Vicki, Wow! Yes, Venardos is a common name but being a 'Katsavia' suggests they were from Agia Anastasia so we could be related. Also, my great uncle George Anastasopoulos married Vagelio Hlentzos. I will definitely email you. Your 'Kythera Connections' site is fabulous! Thank you, Barbara