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Lafcadio Hearn Files

The Petrochilos Family. Hora, Kythera.

Standing, left. Professor Kleomemes (Menis) Petrochilos
Standing, right. Takis Efsathiou

Seated, left to right:

Andreas Papadopoulos (family friend from Aronthianika)
Eleni Petrochilos-Psychogiou - sister
Dimitra Petrochilos-Konstantinou, Keomemes' aunt
Spyros Petrochilos Kleomemes' (late) father
Maria Petrochilos Kleomemes' (late) mother

The family owns the house of Rosa Kassimatis, mother to Lafcadio Hearn.

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1 Comment

Rebecca Messina
on 13.12.2014

Is anyone in your Petrohelios family familiar, or knowledge of Kalliopi Petroheiliou Leontarakis, from Fratsia. Searching for any info and possibly a photo of my (paternal) grandmother. Lovely photo of your handsome family. THANK YOU. Rebecca Leontarakis Messina, USA.