Kythera High School 25/3/1947
Left to right standing: Nikos Kalligeros (Artemis) Thanasis Venardos, Vassilis Lefteris, Eirini Kavopoulou, (Next?), back row, Kosmas Makris, in front, Ririka Megalokonomou (Deli) Mary Margeti, behind her,Panagiotis Stratigos (Paroras) next Anna Kassimati, next, one of the greatest teachers of all time in Kythera High School: Georgos Masselos, Haralampos Stratigos, Despoina Ploioni (now South Africa) Mary Skokou, Panagiotis Prineas (Melehas), Gioula Kassimati, Foteini Patroheilou, Lampis Mihalakakis, Nikos Gitakos. Front Row: Georgos Stratigos, Yiannis Lefteris, Spyros Kalokairinos (Calocerinos), Nikos Kalligeros, Antonis Konomos and Takis Kavieris. The ones I can't recognise please forgive me. If anyone can identify them, please enter their names. Please note that the above class holds a reunion every year in Kythera on the 18th of August.