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James Gavriles

My Uncles Theodore and Peter standing on right

Unknown school with priests in Kythera. My Uncle Theodore Gavrilys and my Uncle Peter gavrilis is standing on the right ,both with hats on.

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Charles Athousis
on 02.09.2015

Without knowing where exactly this place is, this is no school; It is a church. If I had a guess, I would say ILLARIOTISSA in Potamos. Note the typical arched window with the filistrinia (=round windows) (boat like windows) on the extreme right. Note also the plaque to the right of the second (shut) door which it would had the names of the founders of the church; also how many schools in Tsirigo have TWO double sided doors side by side? not even the high school in Hora. No these twin double doors were made for large crowds (back then) to freely enter and exit on big occasionses e.g. When the holy Icon of Panagia arrived at the village and all the followers were to enter along. Note also the old lady with the walking stick (passed the open door) Just beyond her there seems to be a secondary doorway that would be shut on cold day (letting the outer door open for people to enter at will) If it is Illariotissa, it is not the entry near the inbound road (to the Potamos fruit market) by the gifr shop. It is the rear door by the outbound road (and the church well) where there are plenty of steps like this. I hope this helps. KOSMAS NIKOLAOY ATHOUSIS