Peter Levounis at the class at Astiko in 1945.
From Maria Simos-Levounes. My Story., in History, subsection, Oral History.
For a more detailed history of the Levounes family from Potamos, see this entry.
Peter and Matina are Maria's brother and sister.
Peter was a good student and became a tutor; here his is with his teacher, Mr. Triarchis, and the class at Astiko in 1945
"My brother was always studying in his office; from 1941 to 1943 he was a tutor at the mixed high school at Potamos. He went on the study medicine at Athens University, but my mother never saw him become a doctor because she passed away before he completed his degree.
Matina was an excellent student and even though she missed two years school because of the war, she was still accepted by Athens University to study dentistry".
Can you recognise and name the other students?