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Barbara Zantiotis

Anastasopoulos family in Perlegiannika 1938

The lady on the left is my grandmother, Barbara Anastasopoulos (Komninou). She is holding my mother, Kyrani (Anna). The lady on the right is Barbara's mother, Kyrani Komninou (Castrisios). She is holding her grandson, Denis. The little boy in the front is the eldest child, Con. Anastasopoulos was shortened to Poulos when the siblings arrived in Australia in various years during the 1950s.

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Rebecca Messina
on 18.11.2013

Does anyone from this Anastasopoulos family have any connection to Kyparissia. Mitros Anastasopoulos? Thank you.

Barbara Zantiotis
on 04.12.2013

I've checked with my mother and she isn't aware of any relatives living in Kyparissia however her father's family were originally from Pyrgos Ilia which is only 65km from Kyparissia so it's possible they could be related.