Aris Georgios Tsaravopoulos, Archeologist
CV, publications and lectures of Aris Georgios Tsaravopoulos, Archeologist
Born: 1945, in Cairo-Egypt
Nationality: Greek
1969, Chemical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens
1969 - 1980, Chemical Engineer in industry and education
1972, Film director, Stavrakos Film and Theatre High School
1975-1977 TV program producer: «Greek Traditional children’s games», (research and director) at the Greek State Television (ERT)
1979, Archeologist, University of Athens
1980-2012 Archeologist, member of the Archeological Service of the Greek Ministry of Culture.
From 1980 to 2011, when he was forced to “reserve”, worked as an archaeologist in Piraeus, Salamis, Lavrion and Mesogaia in Attica, the islands of Chios and Psara and of course Kythera and Antikythera.
He worked for the last 20+ years on the island of Kythera, while he still conducts a systematic excavation on the island of Antikythera, at the site called “Kastro”, since 2000.
From 1983: Member of the editorial board of the archaeological periodical HOROS (for epigraphy, historic topography and museology).
2009, The Greek Chest, (coauthor Virginia Matseli), Kapon Editions and Benaki Museum, monography.
1. Το Ελληνικό Περιφερειακό Μουσείο (Greek Regional Museum) Research and study on the organization and functioning of the regional (peripheral) museums in Greek province, HOROS 3 (1985)149-178
2. A Mosaic Floor in Chios, în Boardman J., Vaphopoulou-Richardson C.E. (eds) Chios, A conference at the Homereion in Chios 1984, Oxford 1986, 305-315, pl. V-XI.
3. Η αρχαία πόλη της Χίου (The Ancient city of Chios, topographic evolution of the city in the 1st mileniul BC), HOROS 4(1986) 124-144, pl. 27-38
4. Συλλογή βιβλιογραφίας για την αρχαία Χίο και τα Ψαρά (Bibliography of Ancient Chios and Psara, Catalog of publications from 1936), HOROS 5(1987)173-202
5. Επιγραφικά της Χίου (Epigraphic comments on some Chian inscriptions), HOROS 8-9 (1990-91), 215-216
6. Παραστάσεις πλοίων σε τοιχώματα δεξαμενών νερού στον Πειραιά (Ship-Representations on the Walls of a Cistern in Piraeus), in Tzalas H. (ed), Proceedings of the 4th international Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Athens 1991, Tropis IV (1996) 493-506
7. Το σωστικό αρχαιολογικό έργο της Β΄ Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων στα όρια του Δήμου Καλυβίων Θορικού (The rescue archaeological work in the area of Kalyvia Thorikou – Attica), in Proceeding of the 8th Science Coloquium of South-East Attica, Keratea 2001, 179-201.
8. Graffiti από τα Κύθηρα (Graffiti from Kythera), HOROS 13(1999) 261-267
9. Μικρή Δραγονάρα Κυθήρων – Ιερός σταθμός στο πέρασμα των πλοίων από το ακρωτήριο του Μαλέα (Mikri Dragonara - Kythira – Sacred Post on the passage of ships from Maleas Cape) in Tzalas H. (ed), Proceedings of the 7th international Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Athens 1999, Tropis VII (2002)763-773
11. The Cemetery at Lagonisi in Attica (8th-4th c. BC) — Typology of Tombs, Burial Rites (with Papathanasiou C.) in Lungu V., Simion G., Topoleanu F., (eds), Actes du IVe Colloque International d’Archéologie Funéraire – Pratiques funéraires et manifestations de l’identité culturelle, Tulcea 2006 (2000)117-128
12. Κυθηραϊκά (Inscripions from Kythira) HOROS 14-16(2000-2003)207-211
13. Στα Κύθηρα δεν λάτρευαν μόνο την Αφροδίτη. Λατρευτικοί χώροι άλλων θεοτήτων στα Κύθηρα (Tα αποτελέσματα των ερευνών των τελευταίων ετών στα Κύθηρα) (In Kythera was not only Aphrodite worshiped. Sanctuaries of other deities on Kythera – last years’ research results) in Proceedings of the Symposium “Scientific research in Kythera” Kythera 2003, 519-527
14. Antikythera, the Early Hellenistic Cemetery of a Pirate’s town (with Marțiș T. and Zoitopoulos M.) in Luca S.A., Sîrbu V. (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology: The Society of the Living / The Community of the dead, Acta Terrae Septemcastriensis V, 1, Sibiu 2006, 125-133
15. The Byzantine Settlement of Antikythira (Greece) in the 5th-7th centuries (with Pyrrou N. And Bojică C.O.) in Luca S.A., Sîrbu V. (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology: The Society of the Living / The Community of the dead, Acta Terrae Septemcastriensis V, 1, Sibiu 2006, 223-237
16. Η επιγραφή IG V I,948 και οι ενεπίγραφες μολυβδίδες του Κάστρου των Αντικυθήρων (IG V I,948 and the inscribed sling bullets from Kastro in Antikythera) HOROS 17-21 (2004-2009) 327-348
17. Επιτύμβιες επιγραφές από ανασκαφές βορείως του Πειραιώς (Funerary inscriptions from rescue excavations at north of Piraeus) (with Bardani V.), HOROS 17-21(2004-2009) 211-226
18. Kythera, Antikythera, in Vlachopoulos A.G., Archaeology, Aegean Islands, Athens 2006, 198-203
19. The fragile communities of Antikythera (with Bewan A. And Conolly J.) Archaeology International 10 (2006-07)32-36
20. The late classical cemetery of the Ayios Dionysios rail station in Piraeus (with Kroustalis E.) in Sîrbu V., Ștefănescu R. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Tulcea, Oct. 2008, publ. Brăila-Brașov 2008, 131-152
21. A geometric location in Piraeus (with Mazarakos Th., Tsatsaki A. and Litsa M.) in Sîrbu V., Ștefănescu R. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Tulcea, Oct. 2008, publ. Brăila-Brașov 2008, 153-164
22. Το έργο της Β΄ΕΠΚΑ στα διοικητικά όρια του δήμου Καλυβίων Θορικού 1994-2003 (The rescue Work of the Greek Archaeological Service in Kalyvia Thorikou 1994-2003) (with Papathanasiou D.) in Vasilopoulou V, Katsarou-Tzeveleki St., (eds), From Mesogaia to Argosaronikos, Proceedings of the conference, The works of a decade, 1994-2003, Marcopoulo 2009, 205-212
23. Το έργο της Β΄ΕΠΚΑ στο νησί των Κυθήρων (The rescue work of the 2nd Ephorate of Antiquities on the island of Kythera) în Vasilopoulou V, Katsarou-Tzeveleki St., (eds), From Mesogaia to Argosaronikos, Proceedings of the conference, The works of a decenium 1994-2003, Marcopoulo 2009, 561-576
24. Το έργο της Β΄ Εφορείας στα Αντικύθηρα (The activity of the 2nd Ephorate of Antiquities on the island of Antikythira) în Vasilopoulou V, Katsarou-Tzeveleki St., (eds), From Mesogaia to Argosaronikos, Proceedings of the conference, The works of a decenium 1994-2003, Marcopoulo 2009, 577-592
25. Embracement of the dead in the liveliest city of classical Greece. The evidence from the late classical cemetery of Ayios Dionysios in Piraeus, Musaios 14 (2009) 207-220
26. Can an Archaeological Site contribute to the sustainable development of a Remote Island? In Neagu M., Parnic V. (eds), Museums, Monuments and Tourism at the Lower Danube, proceedings in Cultură și civilizație la Dunărea de Jos 27(2009), Călărași, 39-43, pl. 129-132
27. The Laconian influence on the religious history of ancient Kythera, in Zanoci A., Arnăut T, Băț M. (eds), Studia Archeologiae et Historiae Antiquae (festschrift in honorem Ion Niculiță), Chișinău 2009, 141-147
28. Αρχαιολογικός χώρος για την τοπική ανάπτυξη . . . για ένα «ζωντανό» αρχαιολογικό πάρκο στα Αντικύθηρα (An Archaeological Site for local developement ... for the creation of a „living” Archaeological Park on the Island of Antikythera), Ilissia 5-6(2009-2010) 52-59
29. The case of Burial Monuments in Greece. Legislation and Reality (with Fragou G.) Istros 16 (2010) 293-298
30. A Chiote Pottery Workshop of the Roman Period (with Opaiț A.) in Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 41(2010) 23-28
31. Amphorae of Dressel 24 Similis type in the Central Aegean Area (Chios-Erythrai-Kyme) (with Opaiț A.), BSA 106 (2011) 275-323
32. Ελληνιστική Αιγιλία: πόλη υπό τον έλεγχο της Φαλάσαρνας; Οι πρόσφατες ανακαλύψεις από το νησί των Αντικυθήρων και οι σχέσεις του με τη δυτική Κρήτη (Hellenistic Aigilia: Polis under the control of Phalasarna? The results of the recent excavations on the island of Antikythera and its relation to western Crete) (with Tsilogianni P. and Alexandridou A.) in Andrianakis M., Varthalitou P., Tzachili I., Proceedings of the 2nd conference Arhaiologiko Ergo Kritis (2010), Rethymno 2012, 555-561
33. Inscribed sling bullets from «Kastro» in Antikythera (Greece), Gdanskie Studia Archeologiczne 2(2012) 207-220
34. Ενεπίγραφα καρφιά ή Η λογιστική του στρατού τα ελληνιστικά χρόνια (Inscribed nails or The logistics of the Hellenistic army), HOROS 22-25 (2010-2013)187-198
35. Un quartier commercial au Pirée de l’époque hellénistique à l’Antiquité tardive : le mobilier de la fouille préventive du terrain du “Palais de Justice” (with Grigoropoulos D.) in Chankowski V., Karvonis P. (eds) Actes du colloque d’Athénes: Tout vendre, tout acheter (marchés antiques) 2009, Bordeaux-Athénes 2012, 277-298
36. Stamps on Amphorae and Lagynoi Handles from the Island of Chios (with Opaiț A. and Fragou G.) in Buzoianu L., Dupont P. and Lungu V. (eds), Actes de la Table Ronde international de Constanța, 6-10 octobre 2009, Pontica 54(2013) 105-143
37. Archaeological Sites as Self-Sustained Resources for Economic Regeneration: Towards the Creation of Living Archaeological Parks on the Islands of Kythera and Antikythera (with Fragou G.), Conservation and MGMT of Arch. Sites 15(2013)94-108
38. Ελληνιστική κεραμική από την αρχαία Αιγιλία και τη Φαλάσαρνα. Συγκριτική παρουσίαση (Hellenistic Pottery from ancient Aegilia and Phalasarna. A comparative study) (with Tsilogianni P., Alexandridou A. and Fragou G.) in Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Colloquium on Hellenistic Pottery (2009), Athens 2014, 285-290, pl. 98-99
39. The sanctuary of “Apollon Aegileas” on Antikythera, Greece. People and myth on the crossroads of piracy and cult (with Kozatsas J., Panagopoulou G., Choleva M. and Moutsiou Ch.) Proceedings of the Conference “Residential Centres (dava, emporium, oppidum, hillfort, polis) and Cult Places in the Second Iron Age of Europe”, Buzau 2014, Mousaios 19 (2014) 171-202
40. Excavation of a hilltop sanctuary on the acropolis of Antikythera: a preliminary report (with Kroustalis E.), Proceedings of the Conference “Residential Centres (dava, emporium, oppidum, hillfort, polis) and Cult Places in the Second Iron Age of Europe”, Buzau 2014, Mousaios 19(2014) 203-218
41. Establishing a democratic city state. (The great archaic funerary monuments of Attica after the great constitutional changes that led to democracy at the end of the 6th c. BC), Proceedings of the Conference “Residential Centres (dava, emporium, oppidum, hillfort, polis) and Cult Places in the Second Iron Age of Europe”, Buzau 2014, Mousaios 19 (2014) 273-280
42. Τα «ζάθεα» ΚΥΘΗΡΑ και «παραρτήματα» λακωνικών ιερών (“Zάθεα” Kythera and “annexes” of Lakonian sanctuaries) (with Chrysanthi Gallou), in Proceedings of the conference “Sacred Landscapes in the Peloponnese from Prehistory to Post-Byzantine Times”, Sparta 2012, forthcoming
43. Ιερό Ποσειδώνος στη Μικρή Δραγονάρα Κυθήρων, (Sanctuary of Poseidon on the islet of Mikri Dragonara, Kythera) (with Fragou G.), in Proceedings of the V international Conference, Poseidon, God of Earthquakes and Waters. Cult and Sanctuaries. Aegion 2013 in print
44. «Παλιόκαστρο» Κυθήρων Ένας Λακωνικός οικισμός σε ένα Λακωνικό νησί. (“Paliokastro” in Kythera: A Laconian settlement on a Laconian Island) (with Fragou G. and Kroustalis E.), in Proceedings of the international conference “The archaeological work in Peloponnese”, Tripoli 2012 in print.
45. Late Roman Amphorae from the Settlement of Kyparissia, Messenia, Greece (with Fragou G.) in Proceedings of the International Conference on Late Roman Pottery, Alexandria (Egypt) 2014, in print
2004, Okt. Milano, Universita di Milano: Istoria di Citera da monumenti archeologici
2007, Apr. Milano, Universita di Milano: Culti laconici a Citera
2008, Nov. Athens, Ecole Française d’ Archeologie: Anticythère
2009, Nov. Thessaloniki, University of Thessaloniki: Αντικύθηρα
2011, Nov. Notingham, Notingham University: Antikythera
2013, Mar. Ioannina, University of Ioannina, Kythera, history deducted from archaeological finds
2014, Apr. Gdansk, University of Gdansk: Antikythera
2014, May Bucarest, University of Bucarest: Antikythera
2015, Apr. Genève, University of Geneve: Anticythère
Every year in August, during the excavation session, he gives a lecture to the inhabitants and visitors of Antikythera about the history and archaeology of the island.
Until 2012 he was giving lectures every summer in Kythera on the new finds of the excavations.