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James Gavriles

Con Gavrilis and friends at Port Said going to Australia

My Cousin Con Gavrilis and unidentified others on their trip imigrating from Greece to Australia 4-13-47, to start a new life.Picture is Taken in Port Said
My cousin Con is the 3rd from the left. The others are unknown to me? Maybe someone on the web site may identify the others? His younger Brother Nick may be the one on the left?

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1 Comment

Spyro Calocerinos
on 14.03.2007

James, I had a cup of coffee with your cousin Con this morning and can name all those in the photograph. From left to right: Nick Gavrilis, Vangelis Christianos, Con Gavrilis, Giannis Kamaris, A local Greek from Port Said, Manolis Levandis. I hope this is of some assistance.