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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Efrosini Venardos Chlentzos with daughters Kirani and Marigo

Efrosini Venardos Chlentzos and her daughters Kirani and Marigo.
Photo taken approximately 1890.

Efrosini Emmanuel Venardos (Katsavias) was born 1843, in Agia Anastasia, Kythera to parents Emmanuel Venardos and Maria Georga. At the age of 26 she married 18 year old Charalambos Panayiotis Chlentzos (Yiortomilis). The services were performed by Fr. Gerasimos Galakatos on November 9, 1869 at the church of Agios Vasilios in Christoforianika.
They had four children:  Panagiotis, Kirani, Diamandis, and Marigo.
Efrosini is pictured above with Kirani and Marigo who are wearing costumes from Attiki.
It appears the photo was taken at a studio on the mainland, but one may never know for sure.
Kirani married Giorgos Katsoulis and was the grandmother of photographer Emmanual Sofios. Marigo married Yiannis Alfieris and they immigrated to the USA in 1906.

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