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Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Kythera 1951-Chlentzos Family

The second woman from the left is Yannoula Chlentzos (nee Coulentianos1886-1984), the man fourth from the left is her son Harry Diamandis Chlentzos (1908-2001), seated is Harry's Aunt Kyrani Katsoulis (nee Chlentzos).
Yannoula and her husband Diamandis immigrated to the USA. Her first visit back to Kythera was in 1951 when this photo was taken.

The rest of the people are unknown. Any help with identifying them would be greatly appreciated. Please comment below or email Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

From the archive of Stamatoula Mavromatis Chlentzos.

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