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James Gavriles

Kytherian picnic Detroit 1945 left side of group

I have tried to blow up the left side of this 1945 Detroit picnic to identify some of the people. In the back row, there are many familiar faces, but unknown names?? I know 2nd from the left is Emanual Georgopoulos. The 4th from the right is Mrs. Kapsanis. 3rd from the right is Helen Panaretos Gavriles(My Mother),2nd from the right is Stasa Nomecos (daughter of Aspasia), 1st on the right is Aspasia Panaretos Nomecos(wife of John Nomecos).
Seated left to right is Chris Pappas, Mr. Toulis,Paul Galakatos(Peterson),Mrs. Despina Peterson(wife of Paul),Irene Megaloconomou Georgopoulos (wife of Theodore),Nick Galakatos (Peterson),John Nomicos,Theodore Georgopoulos,and just barely half of my Uncle John Demetrios Gavriles.
In front of the group on a little riding/`rockin horse is myself.

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