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George Poulos

Kytherians drinking their coffee. 1970's(?)

"Locals drinking their coffee. Man seated at left has lived in Australia for many years."

From A Trip to Kythera. The Island of Venus, a travelogue from c. 1970's, written by Helen Kaloperinos.

I wonder if anyone can recognise any/all of these locals?

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Anna Castrisios
on 04.06.2006

I recognize the man on the right to be my late uncle Panayiotis Fardoulis of Potamos Kythera

Manuel Carydis
on 09.03.2007

The man on the far left is Peter Poulos , deceased, ex Gilgandra

George Alfieris
on 21.04.2007

From Left to Right. Panagiotis Hihlis(proper surname Poulos), Vretos Louris (Stelliou) and Panagiotis Kalogridis (Fardoulis)(Kalogridis)

Nicholas Jenkins
on 02.06.2020

My Uncle Peter Poulos --- married my dad's sister Ourania. Their Theo and Helen are my 1st cousins. I miss them all very much. ----per Nicholas Jenkins [Jenkins aka Tsiggounis]