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James Gavriles

More relatives in Kythera

Another shot from my father's visit to Kythera in 1929 . I only recognise my father and the rest I leave up to others from Kythera that might be able to identify who they are.
On both sides of my family , I am related to the Christianos, the Sophios, the Panaretos, the Malos families. So some of these might be those relatives.

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John Sofios
on 01.01.2004

This photograph is of my family. The man directly in the middle of the picture (standing) is my father, Harry Sofios and the woman directly in front of Nick Gavriles is my mother, Eleni Tamvakis Sofios. The man standing at the end of the second row is my uncle, Manolis Tamvakis. The older couple seated in front are my grandparents.

Rani Lewis-jones
on 27.09.2004

This photo is of my family too cousin John. My father, Emmauel Kyriakos Tamvakis, is 19 in this photo - far right - and has a good crop of hair! The Tamvakis clan were from Logothetianika (following expulsion from Smyrna of course). In Australia, this Tamvakis clan consists of one male, cousin, my sister Gregoria and myself, Ourania. Kytherian on both sides, our maternal grandparents were from nearby Potamos - Papa Nicholas Cassimatis and Ekaterini Levonis. What a small world it is!