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James Prineas

Chrissa Fatseas photography

Chrissa Fatseas photography in potamos next to the pharmacy , for all your photographic  needs while on the island .. Chrissa can photograph your special function from lunches, dinners , birthday parties , family reunions summer excursions, to weddings . also large  range of photo albums ,   picture frames , also Chrissa can place photos of kythera on coffee cups , calendars, key rings , fridge magnets  biros , etc. .. perfect presents to bring back home , photos of all dances , and major church services on file  , memory sticks for cameras , photos of your stay on kythera  can be placed on CDs or  memory sticks for safety…. so support local business when on the island .. call Chrissa on  0011 30 6974112419 or email … fxphoto@hotmail.com

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