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Roxy Theatre, Bingara, NSW

75th Anniversary of the Roxy, Bingara, NSW

Celebrations to officially launch the restored Peters & Co Cafe and the Museum of Greek Settlement in country NSW & Qld

9th & 10th April, 2011

Celebrations to officially launch the restored Peters & Co Cafe and the Museum of Greek Settlement in NSW & Qld

Saturday 9th of April includes historic tours of The Roxy as well as a screening of the Roxy 1936 opening feature film Roberta starring Fred Astaire amd Ginger Rogers.

The evening programme includes the official launch of The Roxy Cafe and a black tie dinner dance featuring a Greek feast and dancing.

Historic tours and screenings of the 1936 opening feature Roberta will also be available on Friday 8th of April and Sunday 10th April.

The Roxy Cinema, Cafe and Museum is an extremely important Greek Australian and Kytherian Australian heritage site.

Please make an effort to attend this significant event.

The organisers are making special arrangements to ensure adequate accommodation in Bingara for this event. Rooms must be booked through:

The Manager
The Roxy
PO Box 5 Bingara NSW 2404
phone (02) 67 240 003 mob 0427 241 582

email: The Roxy Manager

Download a coloured invitation brochure, here:

roxy_75 anniversary_9_&_10_april_2011s.pdf

Peter Prineas' detailed history of the Roxy can be found in the book, Katsehamos and the Great Idea. Details here:

Katsehamos and the Great Idea.

Download an essay about history of the Roxy, here:


See a buffer map showing the relative distances of major cities from Bingara, here

Download a .pdf version of the buffer map here:

BingaraBufferDistance 20110208.pdf

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