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George Poulos

A Fork in the Mediterranean - Kythera Island

The Fork in the Road Series Return

8pm Friday 27th May 2005

SBS Television, Australia

Kytherians - keep Friday nights at 8pm free for the next 8 weeks.

Watch out particularly for the fifth show of this series - set in Greece. It is in fact wholly set on Kythera and will feature a number of local Kytherians who are known to diaspora Kytherians around the world.

8pm Friday 24th June 2005

Kythera is the idyllic Greek island of Aphrodite, goddess of love. But what is the reality of living on such a small island? Pria Viswalingam meets both locals - who are scratching a living from the soil - and the new arrivals who have come in search of a dream. The stuff of dreams is what supplies the people of Kythera with a future and a past. An island of legends and myths that fertilise the island's robust grapevine which keeps today's gossip spicy and abundant. Join Pria and Aphrodite as they wander the lanes and stir the senses of a relatively unspoilt Greek Isle reclining amidst the sapphire-blue waters of the Mediterranean.

For web details go to:


Click on Kythera Island on the left hand side of the page.

Series Overview

"This year 'Fork' goes Mediterranean. The ninth of the acclaimed 'A Fork in the Road' series travels to eight countries around the Mediterranean. Jump aboard as Pria Viswalingam takes his own quirky ride around this most famous of seas.

From the grandeur of Venice,* a sinking city with a sinking population, to a tanner's family in the ancient city of Fez in Morocco, to the hedonistic delights of a sultry summer in the south of France, Pria takes us a on a unique journey.

Also stopping at Israel, Spain, Turkey, Gibraltar and Greece it's an eight part journey that offers fresh insights from the people that know best – the locals".

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