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Maria Whyte

A Message to fellow Kytherians

Today, I was paid such a high honour. James Prineas of Berlin has requested that I post my memories for all to read. He has also asked that I write a colum called "Maria of Louradianikas Memories". I have a passionate love for Kythera. I feel humbled and honoured to share with you the meories of a 15 year old girl in 1957, and use it as a tribute to my family. My grandfather, the Reverand Emmanuel Lourantos, founder of Loutadianika, my Uncle Nicholas who returned to Kythera to care for his parents, to my many relatives who occupied the 7 homes which made Louradianika. For them, I would be proud to write this monthly colum, as a tribute to them, and the happiest period of my life. The 10 months I spent in Cerigo, in Louradianika and Kato Livadi, and Upper Livadi. I returned 10 years ago, and took my now 36 year old son, who fell in love with Kythera, and says to this very day, he has never been the same person, since he experienced the lifestyle and the people of my cheished island. Being ill now, and with no hope of getting better, confined to my bed for nearly two years and unable to walk, people would, and still ask me, what keeps me going, living with cronic pain, and wasting body. I answer that my beloved Grandfather, a Holy man, has maybe whispered in Gods ear, that I am being kept alive for a reason, maybe this honour bestowed on me by James, is the reason, to allow me to honour my family, and open my heart and memories with my fello Kytherians. Many years have passed, and I am a wife and mother. I have a wonderful Australian husband for over 40 years, who respects my love of Kythera, 5 adult children, and six grandchildren. I am a proud Kytherian, and if there is a way to return to my beloved island, even though I cannot walk, God will find a way to make this possible. I thank James for this opportunity to pay homage to the memories of my family and loved ones, and I hope you will share and enjoy my memories.

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