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Liz Abernethy

[email protected]

Hi, My name is Liz Abernethy and I am seeking information from anyone who had relatives who worked in the ARONEY BROS. CAFE in NOWRA, NSW, Australia in the early 1920's.
My mother was born in December 1924. Her mother was a local unmarried girl whose mother (my maternal grandmother) Elizabeth Gosang worked in the Aroney Bros. Cafe.

My mother was adopted at birth by her mothers extended family and was unaware that she was adopted until she was middle aged. Mum never talked about her adoption and my sister and I would like to know who our grandfather was. Local gossip at the time was that my mothers father worked at the Aroney Bros. Cafe. My mother did resemble a greek person and I myself have a mediterranean look. I understand this is a long shot, but thought perhaps someone might remember their parents talking about a secret or scandal in their families past.My maternal grandmothers photo appears in the book "A Touch of Greece in Junction Street" with the rest of the staff of Aroney Bros Cafe c 1923. The staff sir names are Kepreotis, Coroneas, Aroney, Castrisos and Samios. Fingers crossed someone may recall something. Thankyou

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