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Ourania Stephanopoulos Mazarakis/Protopsaltis

Attention Melanie Scinto !

Dear Melanie,

We enjoyed reading your entries of 3/15/05 on the family tree. My mother's maiden name was Maria Protos (Protopsaltis). We believe you entered information about her Pappou Nicolas, date of birth 1882 and died 1953 in Vandergrift, PA. According to our records, he was born in 1883 and died in 1952. We are very certain about his year of death because mom's sister, Betty, was born nine months after his funeral. Mom's pappou married Maria Mazarakis in NORTH Vandergrift, PA and they had a total of 5 boys and 1 girl. Mom's father was one of those boys and his name was Stamatis, later Americanized to Thomas Nicolas Protos. There were 4 other boys born prior to that set of children, but were all lost to the influenza epidemic of 1917/1918. All within the same week. We are very excited please contact us posting a message which we will answer. We could very well be long lost relatives! Thank you very much and Kalli Anastasi.

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