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George Poulos

Australian Institute of International Affairs - next Event Thurs 20th May

Hear the latest information on the progress and preparation of the Greek Olympics with Costas Vertzayias who is the only Australian on the National Hellenic Olympic Committee. He has just returned from Greece and will present to the NSW Branch of the Australian Institute of International Affairs on:

Thurs 20th May
6:00 for 6:30pm

Costa Vertzayias

World Council of Hellenes Abroad.

The new Greek government, Cyprus and the EU, and the 2004 Olympics.

Venue: All functions are held at the Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Sydney, unless otherwise indicated.

Time: All functions are held at 6.00pm for 6.30pm - 7.45 pm, unless otherwise indicated.

Cost: AIIA Members $10; Associate Members $5; Visitors $20

RSVP: Call (02) 9247 2709 (if unattended leave a voicemail message)
Email acceptance to [email protected]

Payment: Can be made at the door by cash or cheque payable to "AIIA NSW, sent to The Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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