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Michele Haniotis

Beaurocracy overcome!

My sisters and I are pleased to announce that we have at last secured title of our share of the Haniotis land next to the church in Mitata. We can now get on with repairing the house so that our family and friends can continue to enjoy the island and our heritage.

We hope that the improvements we plan to the house will enhance the village as well. I am an architect/ project manager working in London and I will do the initial design myself with a local architect to obtain approvals etc. I intend the work to start later this year or early next with a local builder and friends. It will probably be a slow process due to limited resources and due to the state of the building after the earthquake.

Before I start the work I need to clear the house. If anyone knows of anyone who has been using the house for storage can they get in touch with me or Matina Sratigou on the island to arrange for it to be moved.

Happy New Year to everyone,

Michele Haniotis

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