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Kytherian Association Of Australia

Upcoming Events on the Leontsinis' visit to Australia. First week in April 2008.

Friday, 4 April, 2008

The Department of Modern Greek at the University of Sydney
The Hellenic Council for Greeks Abroad (Oceania)
and the Kytherian Association of Australia
Invite everyone to the Lecture by Professor Athanassia Glikofridi-Leontsini
(University of Athens)

On Education and Philosophy in the Ionian islands between the 16th and 19th centuries. (in Greek)

Venue: History Room Main Quad (behind the Jacaranda Tree)
University of Sydney

Friday, 4 April, 2008

Starting time 5.15 to 5.30

After the lecture (estimated finishing time 6.30pm)

A reception will follow at the Nicholson Museum

Entrance Free

All welcome

Saturday 5th April


Professors' George Leontsinis and Athanassia Glikofridi-Leontsini will be presenting the Kytherian Medal of Honour to Professor Manuel Aroney, AM OBE, at the annual ARONEY ENCOURAGEMENT AWARDS DANCE

To be held at

Twin Reception Centre,
560 Botany Street, Alexandria

Saturday 5th April, at 7:00 pm

Bookings: Kathy Samios, 02 9349 1849 Email Kathy, here

Places are strictly limited. Book early.

Sunday 6th April

At 3:30 pm

Pre-eminent Greek Professor, George N. Leontsinis, will deliver a lecture,

Kythera , the Mentor shipwreck, and the case of the Parthenon Marbles
at the

Hellenic Club,

251 Elizabeth Street Sydney 2000 02 9264 5792

Attendance is FREE, and all interested Hellenes and Philohellenes are encouraged to attend.

In order for organisers to gauge the attendance for catering purposes, please RSVP to 02 9261 4910 and/or contact the Hellenic Club, email; or George Poulos, 02 93888320, and George Poulos, email


As is usual with such Kytherian professorial visits, impromptu luncheons and auxilliary events will inevitably be arranged - so keep in contact with members of the excecutive Committee of the Kytherian Association of Australia, for information about these functions.

In particular we are seeking an opportunity for Professor George Leontsinis to conduct a NSW book launch, amongst Kytherians, of his 2007 book, the biography of eminent Greek-Australian musician, Nicholas Leontsinis.


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