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Kytherian Brotherhood Of Canberra & District

Canberra - Christmas Party Family Dance

The Kytherian Brotherhood of Canberra and District Inc.

invites you to the annual CHRISTMAS PARTY FAMILY DANCE

Download a colour Invitation here:

Christmas Party Invitation 2012.pdf

On Saturday 8 December 2012

From 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

At the Aegean Room
Hellenic Club Canberra

The cost will be:
Adults - $50
Children (12 and under) - $25

Includes a three course meal, music and much dancing!
Santa will make an appearance early in the night.
Tables of 8 or 10 are available.

Please R.S.V.P. by Saturday 1 December 2012
John Kalokerinos – 6282 1659
Anthea Matis - 0402 006 481
Doris Stathis: - 0409 839 576

Please advise age and gender of children attending at time of booking (for gifts)
Kytherian Brotherhood of Canberra and District
C/- The Hellenic Club of Canberra
PO Box 263 Woden ACT 2606
Please send me………….tickets for the Christmas Party. Cheques payable to Kytherian Brotherhood of Canberra
and District and posted to the address above.
Names (Adults – over 12)………………………………………………………………………………………………
Children’s Names, Age & Sex……………………………………………………..……………….…………………..

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