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George Poulos

Canberra's Multicultural Centre to be named in Honour of Theo Notaras

Media Release of the Chief Minister, Jon Stanthope MLA, Attorney General, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Community Affairs, and Member for Ginninderra.
25th September, 2004.

Chief Minister Jon Stanthope today announced that the Canberra Multicultural Centre would be named after Canberran Theo Notaras.
Theo Notaras was a well-known and loved Canberran of Greek origin who migrated to Australia at the age of 14. He is the father of Emmanuel Notaras Koundouris and Poppy Notaras.
He was an innovative and highly successful businessman, and an ardent supporter of Canberra. In addition to being a proud Canberran, Theo was the founder and first President of the Greek cmmunity in Canberra, and a founding member of the Hellenic Club. He was awarded an MBE in 1977.
Theo died in 2001, leaving a strong legacy of contribution to Canberra and to the Greek Community in the ACT.
"I am delighted that announce that the Canberra Multicultural Centre will be named in honour of Theo Notaras.
Theo was an outstanding example of the strengths of multiculturalism. He was one of Canberra's finest citizens and of its most dedicated advocates and supporters.
Despite his commitment to his adopted country, Theo's love for his home country never diminished and he was a leading and active member of the Greek community in Canberra.
I am pleased that Theo's family have given their permission for us to honour his contributions in this way, and the Theo Notaras Canberra Multicultural Centre will stand as a permanent testimonial to his contributions to Canberra, to multiculturalism and to the Greek community", said Mr Stanhope.
The Canberra Multicultural Centre was a flagship commitment announced in the Canberra Social Plan in February 2004. The Centre will be located in the North building, in the centre of the city.
"The Theo Notaras Canberra Multicultural Centre will open in the middle of 2005. It will house peak organisations such as the ACT Multicultural Council, the Migrant Resource Centre of Canberra and Queanbeyan and the ACT Ethnic Schools Association and smaller community groups.
In addition it will provide a place for Canberrans to share their cultural heritage and broaden their cultural experiences through a range of programs and activities", said Mr Stanhope.

From The Kytherian, Newletter of the Kytherian Association of Australia, Nov, 2004, page 7.

Thanks to Penny Farnsworth (Media contact for the Chief Minister), and Rene Condoleon for notifying us of the media release.

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