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Martin Sandrine


Hello my name is Sandrine, I am from France, so please ecuse my bad english...

I found this site on which, maybe one of you, can give me a clue about a mysterious person of my grand-pa's familly... Georges CATSOULIS

He was told to be born in 1929 but no one knows where.
As he wanted to marry my grand-father's aunt, the familly tryed to help him to become French but he was not abble to find any papers telling where he was from exactly, he was telling that he was Greek, he was also hardly speaking French.
So they probably never got married.
He died in 1965 in Aveyron area in France from a fire-doamp explosion in a coal mine where he was working.
The only documents I have about him are my grant-father's memotie and a picture of his grave in France.

Does any of you can give me a clue to find who he was?
Thanks for the help you can give us,
Best regards from France,


PS: don't hesitate to contact me by mail: [email protected]

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