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Digital Scanner to be provided for the Kytherian Archives

submitted by Institute Of Kytheraismos on 27.02.2009

“During the Third Kytheriasmos Symposium (August 2008) the need to digitalise the very valuable Kytherian Archive records was brought to the attention of those present.

They expressed a desire to assist and Con Galtos, Peter Corones and Peter Vamvakaris commenced collecting pledges from the attendees.

The local Archivist ( Kostas Tsaltas) estimated a cost of about A$30,000 and the goal was to ascertain and purchase what would be the best equipment and software that was needed for the project to proceed in an efficient manner. The informal committee of three Queenslanders worked very hard to determine the needs and cost of the equipment and consulted with some of the most experienced international archival experts.

In the meantime Ms Karolina Aslani ( Director of the Kytherian Archives) and Mr Kostas Tsaltas (the Local Archivist) continued with their efforts to obtain the Greek Governments’ assistance for this very historically important project.

We are very pleased to advise that on the 20th of February Con Galtos received information from Ms Aslani indicating that the Kytherian Archives had received the needed support from the Greek Government and the digitalisation will commence in May 2009.

Con Galtos, Peter Corones and Peter Vamvakaris wish to thank all the Kytherians who so willingly pledged their support and were ready to financially contribute to this project so that the extremely valuable Kytherian records could be properly preserved for future generations.”

submitted by
Peter Trearchis
on 27.02.2009

this is wonderful news!!
any word how long it will take and if it will then be available online (or at least an index online)?

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