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James Gavriles

Families with ancestors that lived in Smyrna

I think it would be interesting if all the Kytherians who had families or relatives that had imigrated to Smyrna,and then consequently were dispersed due to the Turkish expulsion in 1922-23. would post a little of what they know and we could have a seperate topic on the web-page dedicated to this part of Kythera history.
Myself, my Mother's family, Theodore Panaretos had imigrated there and had a grocery business, and were forced to leave when the Turks wanted all the Greeks out. As many of you know, Aristotle Onassis was also one of these families ,who's Father had a grocery business also and had to leave. Ther are many interesting and somewhat brutal stories of what these Kytherians endured and what they saw. It would be intersting to see the last names that were involved or lived there in Smyrna.

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