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Peter Trearchis

Family in Smyrna

Hi, has anyone had any luck doing research for Kytherians that were in Smyrna?
The following people in my family were in Smyrna at one point-

1) A brother to my ancestor Ioannis Emm. Trifillis was a Panayotis Trifillis. He lived in Smyrna for a while and also in Kythera. He married a Theofani ? and had the following children-
1. Sergios Trifillis b. 27 Nov 1883 Kythera
2. Tassos b. 15 Sep 1891 Potamos (or possibly Smyrna)
3. Marouli , married Antonios Psomas
They lived in Fassoula, Smyrna for a time. Anyone ever heard of it??

2. Melitas family.
All I know is that my ancestor Fotini Melitas Panaretos was from Kordelio, Smyrna. (ever heard of it?). She apparently knew how to play the piano and was from a kind of well off family. She had a sister Aspasia Melitas, but I do not know her parent's names.

3. Triarchis/Triarhis family
All I know is that my great-grandfather Constantine Triarchis/Trearchis was in Smyrna for a time with his family. He had an uncle Nicholas Triarchis living in Smyrna in 1909. Unknown if uncle had any children.

Any advice or information would be great.

Peter (age 17)

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