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Ellena Galtos

Galakatos in Smyrna & Taganrog

I am interested in tracking down people who may have known members of the Galakatos family - particularly my great grandfather Kosmas Galakatos who was a merchant in Smyrna. Originally from Kythera, he later moved to Piraeus.

One son - my grandfather Nikolas Galakatos - was sent to Taganrog Russia, where he worked, and met and married my grandmother Eleni Alafouso; they eventually came to Australia. His other son Alexandros Galakatos (Alex Milkton) ended up in Florida USA.

One of my great aunts Frosso married Pericles Papast, and they too came to Australia. The other Ekaterini married Spiro Raissis, and ended up in the US.

Some details about my family appear under the family tree section of this web site. There are also some photos here. (In time I will add more.)

I am especially interested in anyone with stories of Smyrna and Taganrog - both places which my relatives - like so many others - had to leave due to political upheavals.

Ellena Galtos (Sydney, Australia)

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