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Kristina Williamson

I am coming to Kythera to photograph for 10 months + would like to introduce myself

Dear friends,
I would like to introduce myself: I am a photographer from Brooklyn, NY about to undertake a photographic project in Kythera. I became interested in Kythera while researching the influence of modernization on waves of emigration from many Greek communities and how these population changes have affected Greek culture and the manner with which traditions are passed from generation to generation.
My work for this project is to photographically document the lives and environments of the people of Kythera. I am interested in learning more about those who opted to remain in Kythera during times when many were choosing to emigrate from the island as well as those who do not permanently live on the island yet regularly return, maintaining Kythera as a very important piece of their hearts and identities.
My hope for this project is to create a visual account of the interactions between tradition and modernization as imprinted within the daily activities of the Kytherian families, their homes, possessions, and surrounding environments.
To be simply stated I am interested in capturing a glimpse of what life is like on the island today and illustrate the importance of family in maintaining pride in the traditions of the island.
The photographs I will create on the island are part of a career commitment to exploring the nature of tightly knit communities, enabling connections to be drawn across cultures through the common theme of family as the medium for transmitting tradition and utilizing photography as a means to expose my study to a broader audience.
(To view some of my work please visit my website at www.kristinawilliamson.com)
I will be arriving in Kythera in August and will spend the next 10 months photographing and learning as much as I can about life on island.
I am very eager to meet Kytherians and their decedents and hear about your stories and changes you have witnessed on the island and why you love it.
As I am currently preparing for my arrival I am very interested in developing correspondences with anyone who might be interested in this project or perhaps could offer some advice or suggestions about my project or the island in general.
I am currently looking for short-term accommodations for the month of August (when I first arrive) with the intensions of establishing more permanent housing for the duration of my 10-month stay. If anyone happens to know of any inexpensive guesthouses with vacancies that I might look into for a few weeks in August, or perhaps something more long-term, or that might become available at a later date I would be very grateful to hear about it!
In an effort to learn as much as I can about Kythera, its people and culture, I am also looking for ways to volunteer my time perhaps with some community organizations, or schools on the island. If anyone would have any suggestions that I might look into once I arrive in Kythera I would be happy to hear about this too.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read over this introduction of mine and I would like to thank in advance anyone who is kind enough to respond to this posting!

Kalo Kalokairi!

Kristina Williamson
([email protected])

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