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Harold Hopper

In search of some of the history of Grandfather Paniotis Georgopolous (Peter Poulos)

My wife and I intend to visit Kythera from Australia in August 2024.

We hope to see something of where Grandfather Panyiotis (Peter) Georgopoulos lived. (Born Cherigo Is. 6 August 1898 - died December 1975)

We also hope to meet some of my relatives who might be able to assist us to find our way around Kythera.

Here are some details that may help identify people who knew of him and who might help us.

Parents of Panyoitis Geogopoulas 

   Alexander Minas Georgopoulas (1856-1960??)

      Stravroula Marea Coroneos     (1867-1912??)

Syblings: Maurile 


Maurile married Yanis (John) Faros in 1920 in Kythers and had 6 children

Velio (Margaret) married George James Londy in 1949 in Brisbane Australia.

Grandfather Paniotis Georgopoulas (Peter Poulos) married Ethel Margaret Undy 30 November 1920 in Sydney Australia

They had 3 children 

Peter Arthur

Violet Jean

Betty Elvie

There are very many of my relatives in Queensland where I live but I have met only a few - a long time ago.

My mothers name is is Vioet Jean Hopper (nee Georgopoulas also Karavas?)

So I hope to make contact with someone who might be able to make our visit to Kythera meaningful in memory of a grandfather I had never met.

Thank you.




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