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Kytherian Newsflash

International conference on the topic of Appian, a second century AD historian of the Roman Empire

Through events such as the screening of the 1928 film, about the voyage of the D'Attalia, and depositing of various Greek-Australian books such as Life in Australia (1916, 2009), and Jim Saltis, My Four Homes, and newly forged connections with SAE, based in Alexandria, Kytherians have established a powerful link with the city of Alexandria, Egypt, and its world famous library.

In July 2010 the University of Sydney will be hosting an international conference on the topic of Appian, a second century AD historian of the Roman Empire who came from Alexandria. It already looks like being a very exciting event. The Conference website can be found at http://classics.org.au/appian/

As a group who are passionate about Alexandria and its library, I thought that you should be first to know about a conference concerning one of Alexandria's most important sons.

This event will also aid persons like Lorenzo Montesini, Chairman of the Australian Friends of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in his endeavours to bring the library of Alexandria to the attention of the world, which is a project of great value and cultural interest.

Kathryn Welch

Department of Classics and Ancient History
University of Sydney
NSW 2006

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