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Alexander Riedmüller

Interviewees for doctorate searched!

Dear members of the Kytherian Community in Australia,

My name is Alexander Riedmüller. I am posting this message to ask again for your assistance as interviewees during my research stay in Sydney between October 08th and 20th as part of
my doctorate “Global Communitiy: www.kythera-family.net. Transnational Migration, New Media and Identity”.

Following Questions will be key issues in my PhD research project:

- Who “makes” - in a more and more globalized, multicultural and multimedial influenced world - "culture" for whom, how and why?
- What does it mean to be “Kytherian” in everyday life in the – compared to Europe – much more multi-ethnic Australian society?
- Beyond its virtual image on www.kythera-family.net – does some sort of a “global” Kytherian Community really exist, and – if yes – on which personal and institutional links, relations and institutions is this community based on?
- Which specific relations and interactions do exist between the Kytherian Community in Australia and the inhabitants of the Island of Kythera?
- What is the role of official institutions of the Kytherian Community in Australia for processes of formation and transmission of “transnational” and perhaps even “multiethnic” or “multicultural” identities?
- How do “identity concepts” change between generations?

And what interests me most:

- What is the role of emerging social and cultural online-networks like www.kythera-family.net within all these processes?

It would be great if some members of the Community could give me a deeper “insight” into their everyday lives as “Tsirigotes” in Australia.

If you’re interested to show me your “world”, please post your answer here or contact me under the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

With great thanks for your kind attentiveness,


Alexander Riedmüller M.A.

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