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Roxy Museum Bingara

***Join us at the Official Opening ot the Bingara Roxy (Greek) Museum!***

Bingara is planning a great weekend.

Come and smash some plates!


Saturday and Sunday 5th & 6th April 2014


Bingara, NSW

• Official opening ceremony
• Movies and other screenings at the Roxy
• Talks on Greek cafes and cinemas
• Greek festival Gala dinner, dancing. Cost $75. BOOK EARLY, as places are strictly limited
• Greek dance band

Further details will be announced on the Bingara Roxy Website www.roxybingara.com.au/museum and in the February and March issue of the Kytherian Association Newsletter, as well as on www.kythera-famlly.net

For Accommodation in Bingara book early. There is plenty of accommodation in nearby towns: Barraba, Warialda, lnverell and Moree.

Get *Kefi and smash some plates!

(*Kefi is a Greek word that encapsulates a spirit of joy, passion, enthusiasm and high spirits, when the soul and body are overwhelmed with an exuberance that must find an outlet).

View / Download a colour brochure of this invitation here:

Roxy Museum Opening April 2014 Small.pdf

The Museum is being designed by internationally renowned Museum designers, Convergence Associates, based in Camberwell, Melbourne.

Known as the Gem on the Gwydir River, Bingara is a vibrant, friendly town nestled among rolling mountains and national parks. There is much to see and do in the Bingara area including fossicking, bird watching,fishing, horse riding and nature walks.

Make it a tour!

Known as the Gem on the Gwydir River, Bingara is a vibrant, friendly town nestled among rolling mountains and national parks. There is much to see and do in the Bingara area including fossicking, bird watching,fishing, horse riding and nature walks.

Visit other attractions near Bingara

Fossick for gold at Three Creeks Goldmine
Discover the wonders of the Warialda Sculpture Park
Myall Creek Massacre Memorial Track
Moree's hot artesian baths
Magnificent Mount Kaputar and Sawn Rocks
Armidale's New England Regional Art Museum
Tamworth's Australian Country Music Hall of Fame
'lnverell's National Transport Museum'

To book for the Dinner Dance (magnificent Greek-style panayiri with a formal touch)

Cost $75 per person

Bingara Visitor Information Centre
P: 02 67240066
E: Email, Bingara Tourism

E: Email Georgia Standerwick
Economic Development Officer
Gwydir Shire Council
P (02) 6724 0066
M 0409 901 540

W: www.bingara.com.au
W: www.gwydirshire.com

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