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Karavitiko Symposium, Sydney

*****Karavitiko Symposium 2010*****

Γιορτη του Αγιου Χαραλαμπου

The Karavitiko Symposium

invites you to come along and enjoy a
superb luncheon to celebrate
την ημερα του Αγιου Χαραλαμπου

On: Sunday
21st February 2010

At: All Saints Greek
Orthodox Hall

Cnr Isabel & Cecilia Sts Belmore

Time: 11.30am - 4.30 pm

Cost: $55.00 Adults
$35.00 Children (under 12)

Early Bird Special
$50.00 Adults, $30.00 Children

Special Guest:
Mayor of Kythera,
Theodore Koukoulis


George Poulos 93888320
Peter Poulos 0409666238
Theo Poulos 91509069, 0409449927

Download a beautiful 2 page colour flyer, advertising this event, here:


As has been the custom since 1967, the Symposium will be preceded by a ceremony in the Greek Orthodox Church. This year the venue has been moved to Belmore, but, again, we will celebrate the Feast Day of the patron saint of the village of Karavas, Kythera, Ellas, Ayios Haralambos, with a traditional ceremony.

The fully adorned icon of Ayios Haralmbos will be paraded around the (interior of) the church at Belmore at 9:45 am.

We are hopeful (airline itinerary’s permitting) that our special guest this year will be the Mayor of Kythera, Theothoris Koukoulis
Address for all payments and correspondence:

Karavitiko Symposium,
42 Eastern Avenue,
Dover Heights, NSW 2030.


George, here




Παμε στο Καραβιτικο

We will be delighted to attend the 2010 Karavitko Symposium. Please arrange for the following people to be seated at our table. Tickets will be available at the entrance on the day. Vegetarians are indicated. (If insufficient room please attach separate list):


Enclosed is my cheque/Credit Card Authority in the amount of $............as full payment for......adults and.....children under 12 y.


Expiry Date on Card:.....................................

I..........I..........I..........I..........I I..........I..........I..........I..........I I..........I..........I..........I...........I I..........I..........I..........I..........I

Name on Card:..................................................................................Signature:……………………………….

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