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Kytheraismos Institute

Kytheraismos Institute International Symposium 2.

World Congress of Kytherians
2nd International Symposium of Kytheraismos
The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora”

To be held in Canberra at the Hellenic Club

15 – 17 September 2006

Registration/opening commences at 10am
on 15th September 2006.

The symposium is to be officially opened by The Honourable John Howard MP,
Prime Minister of Australia

On the morning of
Friday 15th September 2006.

The theme of this year’s Symposium is the Globalisation of Kytheraismos (in essence the endeavours, philosophy, identity and culture of Kytherians). At this stage we expect to have a full agenda of speakers and many attendees from Sydney, Canberra, Interstate and Greece. The event promises to be a spectacular Kytherian event.

On the Friday and Saturday, morning and afternoon tea will be served with a light lunch and a morning tea on Sunday. It is expected that the costs for this will be fully subsidised by the Institute of Kytheraismos.

Registration for the event is free.

There will be no requests for any donations or money for any cause.

On the Saturday evening there will be a Celebration Dinner Dance which will cost $45 per head.

For Friday night and Sunday lunch the Hellenic Club has 3 Dining Facilities where you can eat at your own cost.

It is expected that all who register at the Symposium on the Friday before the official opening will be invited to the Greek Embassy for a Cocktail Party on Friday Night and will have the opportunity to meet the newly appointed Ambassador.

Those wanting to participate and attend this event should contact:

Chris Lourandos -Canberra 02 6254 7320 (ah)
Vicki Londy – Brisbane 07 3397 7260
Victor Kepreotis – Sydney 0408216108
Spiro Coolentianos - Sydney 0418213990
Kathy Samios – Sydney 9349 1849

Accommodation is available in Canberra at a discounted rate at the Quality Hotel in Woden (nearby to the Hellenic Club)

Tel: 1800 800 891 (Quote group booking number 53471)

$140/night standard room, $180/night 1 bedroom suite.

Deluxe coach travel from Sydney will be organised depending on whether there is sufficient demand.

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