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Message Board > Locating grandfather's Birth Certificate

Locating grandfather's Birth Certificate

submitted by Tania Cassimatis on 10.04.2006

I'm hoping someone reading this message will be able to assist me.

You see I'm trying to locate whom I would have to contact if I was to locate my Grandfather's birth certificate.

Any phone numbers or email addresses would be of help.

Emmanuel Antonis CASSIMATIS was born around 4/7/1899(not too sure on his birth date)on the Island of Kithera, in a small town of Frilinginika. His parents' names were Marie and Antonis CASSIMATIS.

Hoping someone can help me with this and point me in the right direction.
Thank you

submitted by
George Poulos
on 10.04.2006

Best to speak first of all with the Local Government offices in Chora.

Phone: 27360.31213

Other Kythera Island Phone numbers/addresses/emails

submitted by
George Poulos
on 27.04.2006

You can also go to the Kythera local government website at:

submitted by
James Victor Prineas
on 08.08.2006

To my knowledge Tania has now received a copy of the birth certificate from someone who saw her posting on this site. She will also be visiting Kythera for the first time in September 2006.

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